SUB ACTIVITY Feb. 20th, 2017

Multimedia Current Event

Today you will keep up with multimedia current events. You will each need to find a website that reports on ART/MUSIC/FILM/RADIO/TELEVISION/PRINT/FASHION/THEATER etc..

Here are some suggested sites (go to their entertainment/culture/arts sections)

Once you have found an article (RELATED TO MULTIMEDIA), use the form the sub has in the wooden box to complete your TWO PARAGRAPHS: Summary and Reaction.

This activity is designed to get you reading current news from multiple sources and also reflecting on them. The summary should get to the major points of the article and stay objective (no opinion) and the reaction should be your personal thoughts (subjective) with details.

DUE AT THE END OF THE CLASS PERIOD. When you’re done, turn in your work to the sub and then you may spend the rest of the period reading online, playing around with software you know, or quietly talking.


Finish editing your music video and when completed, Share it the same way you did the State Bikes commercial.. Forgot how? Here’s the link.


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