Logo Parody

Logos represent an identity for companies. This identity is how companies want to be viewed by the public. For this assignment, you will transform the message from a popular logo into something else!

Parodies are almost always humorous, so think about how you can make something that is funny. Wacky Packages are a good example of parody packaging.

Wacky Packages


  • Look online for company logos. Find three that you could modify to something funny.
  • In your sketchbook, complete thumbnail sketches to come up with ideas. You must have at least THREE ideas. (Make them ID card size.) Get approval from the instructor and decide together on which idea should be produced.
  • Replicate the real logo as closely as possible using Illustrator. Use a “transparency” layer. Instructor will demo this.
  • Create your spoof version of the logo.
  • Post your replicated logo along with the parody version to your blog.

POINT VALUE: Each logo is worth 50 points – the real logo (25) and then your spoof (25).

DUE DATE: You will have 4 days to complete this. Your schedule should look like this..

Day One (Tuesday): Find logos, get ideas, make your sketches, begin illustration.

Day Two (Thursday): Complete real logo copy. Get approval before moving on.

Day Three (Friday): Work on spoof logo.

Day Four (Tuesday): Complete all work and post on blog.

IF YOU FINISH EARLY: You will create up to two more spoof logos for bonus points. However, if I determine your work is rushed and/or sloppy, I will have you go back and redo your first attempt.

PRO TIPS: Use the techniques we practiced building up to this point. You know how to: use transparencies, create any shape you want to with the pen tool, use textures, match colors with the eyedropper, modify shapes with the pathfinder and find color palettes (amongst other things). Work smarter not harder.



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