Vector Landscapes

This class will now try a different approach to Adobe Illustrator.  You will use simple shapes to create a landscape that looks like it could be in a children’s book.


The author finishes each drawing by taking it from Illustrator into Photoshop for texture. This is an important part of the assignment so you can see one of the ways to use the programs together.

Go to the instruction page online and carefully follow the instructions. Have your windows set up so you can easily click back and forth between the two apps. PLEASE USE YOUR OWN COLORS.
           Screen Shot 2016-03-11 at 1.47.24 PM.jpg
Do one step at a time. Every time you complete one of the steps, save your work by pressing CMD-S (you should have already done a SAVE AS and given the file a name and put it in the right location).
If you get stuck, ask your neighbors. If they cannot help, go back to the instructions and retrace your steps. UNDO (CMD-Z) steps if you need to. Don’t get frustrated, you can figure this out as it’s pretty straight forward.

You will learn: different shape tools, selection, copy/paste, color picker (eye dropper) tool, importing from the internet.

Save your files with the name: LANDSCAPE lastname firstname  

DUE DATE: These are due by the end of class Monday/Tuesday. If you finish early, please complete the bonus point assignment (extra 25 points!)

You can find the instructions ▶︎▶︎▶︎ HERE ◀︎◀︎◀︎

Bonus Point Assignment ▶︎▶︎▶︎ HERE ◀︎◀︎◀︎


These files will be posted on your blogs. In order to do that, you will need save your file as a jpeg. Follow these steps:
1. SAVE FOR WEB under the FILE menu
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2. Select JPEG from the drop down menu on top right.
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3. DESELECT the “Clip to Artboard” button if your image is cut off.
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4. Click the SAVE button and enter the file name and save location.
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5. Open your blog, create a new post and ADD MEDIA.
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6. After adding it, decide how you want it displayed and publish your post!
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