Minority Report: 2054 TECHNOLOGY

In the Steven Spielberg film “Minority Report”, the year 2054 is filled with all kinds of new technology. Everything from transportation, medicine, communication, media, computers, weapons, security, advertising, clothing, and housing is represented in some sort of new way. Spielberg and a group of experts predicted this vision of the future after much careful thought. […]

Illustrator: Eraser, Scissor and Knife Tools

The Eraser, Scissor and Knife tools all involve getting rid of some part of the image you’re working with, but each one goes about it in a different way. To get the most out of your Illustrator projects, you’ll need to be aware of the differences between these tools so you make sure that you […]

Logo Parody

Logos represent an identity for companies. This identity is how companies want to be viewed by the public. For this assignment, you will transform the message from a popular logo into something else! Parodies are almost always humorous, so think about how you can make something that is funny. Wacky Packages are a good example of […]

Replicate Three Logos

In order to better improve our skills with making vector illustrations, we will spend today replicating three well known logos. These should all be on one artboard (8.5 x 11). YOU ARE TO USE THE PEN TOOL AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Of course you will need to click on selection tools, but other wise, the […]

Clipping Masks

About clipping masks A clipping mask is an object whose shape masks other artwork so that only areas that lie within the shape are visible—in effect, clipping the artwork to the shape of the mask. Once you have created a clipping mask, you can still go inside of the mask and make changes (or change the shape […]

Greeting Card Design

In the United States, approximately 6.5 billion greeting cards are bought each year, at a total cost of more than $7 billion dollars. In the US, a counter card typically sells for $2 to $4. Boxed cards, which are popular for Christmas cards or other times when many cards are sent, tend to cost less. Designer cards […]

More Vector Projects For Extra Credit

For bonus points and to build upon your Adobe Illustrator skills, complete more of Chris Spooner’s tutorials. Each one will be worth as much as 10 Extra Credit points. I will update this post regularly with more tutorials I pick out for you. If you see one on the site that you would like to […]