Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator

As you all discovered last week, creating logos (and other design work) using only Adobe Photoshop is not ideal. There has to be a better way, right? There is: Illustrator. While working in Illustrator, you will notice many similarities to the way Photoshop looks and works, but with a much different outcome. VECTOR vs RASTER […]

Photoshop Logo Attempt #1

Adobe Photoshop is amazing, it really is, but it is not ideal for doing everything. If you want to be a graphic design professional, you will need to learn Adobe’s other big program, Illustrator. This assignment will hopefully get you a little frustrated and will be a good way to learn the difference between the […]

Thumbnail Sketches

3 Logos, 2 Building (landscape) and 1 Animal Drawing Due End of Class, Monday February 22           • 25 points (5points each) EXAMPLE:  In your sketchbook, you are to draw 3 logos, 2 buildings and 1 animal from images found online, or right around you.  You are to draw them as accurately as possible.  Next to […]

FCPX: Share Your Project

The concept of ‘Sharing’ Final Cut Pro X (FCPX) calls exporting ‘Sharing’. If you want to export your finished timeline you will need to use the ‘Share’ options. There are two ways to get there. The first way is File > Share: The second way is by clicking the ‘Share‘ icon on your timeline: In general, for class projects, you will […]

DVD Cover Art

After completion of your music video, why not create the DVD cover artwork that goes with it? Do this in Adobe Photoshop. You will need to download the photoshop template ▶︎▶︎▶︎ here ◀︎◀︎◀︎ and follow the guidelines. Artwork extends to the blue line Paper gets trimmed at the solid red line Crucial content must fit inside the […]