How to Import Video Using MiniDV Tapes

Gather your supplies. Plug in your adapter and cables. Start iMovie. Cue up your tape to the starting point of the scenes you have recorded. Click IMPORT and either select your event or create a new one (if just starting). Let the computer capture all of the scenes you need and then press STOP IMPORT […]

Oldies Music Video

Directions: For this project, you will be working in assigned groups to produce a music video using provided music. Each group will be able to select from a group of songs. You will film all of your scenes on campus using available locations that are safe and appropriate. Videos will be shot using our cameras, […]

“Share” Your iMovie Project (export)

iMovie and Final Cut Pro both use the term “Share” for exporting your projects. This option can be found under the FILE menu and has several options. For our class projects, please follow the following steps for turning in work: Complete your video project Select SHARE under the FILE menu. Then choose FILE from the […]

Deja Vu B-ROLL

B-roll is any footage that can be used to fill up space, or add something of interest to support to your story. The footage typically has no sound (although it can). B-roll serves a similar purpose to pictures in books in that it helps illustrate the story for the audience. You will need to include […]

“Deja Vu” video editing with iMovie

Before producing your own music video, you will need to understand the basics of video editing. Knowing how to construct a video will help you in the creative process and make your life easier. For the video editing in this class we will use Apple’s great program iMovie. It is both simple to use and […]